Posts in News
GPO Presents Our Blue Marble

The Greeley Philharmonic Orchestra is thrilled to announce Our Blue Marble. Experience the Greeley Philharmonic in a way you never have before! The sights, sounds, and scents of this immersive 4D performance will deepen your connection to our planet. This spectacle will feature works by Dvořák, Strauss, Hindemith, and a world premiere of the symphonic orchestration of The Blue Marble Symphony by Julie Giroux. Together, reminisce on the love we hold for our blue marble.

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She was a world-class violinist who became homeless. Now her instrument is getting a new life, and a new concerto, in Greeley

Unless you are a musician, many who hear a violin seldom consider the history of the instrument, the life it lived, and the story it tells. Dylan Fixmer is a musician and the composer in residence for the Greeley Philharmonic Orchestra. When he came into contact with this particular violin, he did wonder about the story it held. The story he discovered moved him deeply and inspired his new violin concerto.

Years ago, the violin came into a music store in Boulder where Fixmer was working, without any documentation — and in distress.

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NewsGreeley Philharmonic
Greeley Philharmonic, UNC Symphony orchestras to tell stories of 2 amazing women through A Musical Odyssey of Life

Music allows musicians to tell a story both unique and universal. When listening to music, one doesn’t have to be a musical scholar to understand the message the music is trying to convey.

Through big, bold blasts of horns and the pounding of percussion to the soft willowy notes from strings and woodwinds, people of all languages, backgrounds, customs and cultures can understand the story it is trying to tell.

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NewsGreeley Philharmonic